Oxford Pakistan Programme

Migration Studies

Rabiya Jaffery

Rabiya Jaffery is a journalist and researcher exploring the living and working conditions of Pakistani migrants in the Arabian Gulf. Rabiya grew up in Saudi Arabia and completed her undergraduate degree in journalism in the United Arab Emirates with the support of an academic merit scholarship. She graduated in 2016 with a distinction and has since reported on a variety of stories on the migrant experience. She is especially interested in shedding light on migrant labour, particularly on the different forms of labour exploitation that are comparable systemic, modern-day slavery for expatriate workers in the Arabian Gulf. Rabiya also works with leading international human rights organisations as an on the ground reporter in hard-to-access spaces that harbour vulnerable migrant communities, such as labour camps. When she is not reporting or researching migrant conditions, Rabiya is involved in organising support and aid for foreign workers experiencing real-time obstacles and difficulties. She looks forward to pursue a MSc in Migration Studies at the University Oxford, where she is eager to create the groundwork for building and pushing for reforms to protect the numerous communities of Pakistani workers abroad.